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Routine Hearing Test

We all know that we should get our teeth and eyes checked on a regular basis, but what is the rule of thumb for hearing? Routine check-ups are recommended and the best time to start is now. Have your hearing checked every 2 to 3 years. Your sense of hearing is a vital link to your world. The better you hear, the better you will be able to engage with your surroundings.

As we age, many of us find that our hearing declines gradually. So you may think you hear all sounds but find it hard to follow conversations especially in noisy situations like going out to eat in your favorite restaurant. As your hearing loss increases you may become more frustrated and feel cut off from your family and friends.

Want to have an idea of what shape your hearing is in before you visit a clinic? You can do a basic self check on your hearing.

  • Do people seem to be mumbling
  • Do you find it hard to keep up in meetings, in restaurants, or in lectures?
  • Do you have to turn up the volume on the TV or Radio?
  • Do you find it hard to hear clearly on the telephone?
  • Do you find it hard to hear in noisy environments like in the street or in the car?
  • Do you tend to limit your social activities because its’ difficult to hear and communicate?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time to make an appointment with your Hearing Health provider today.

Everyone should have a baseline hearing test starting in preschool. With a profile of your hearing established, you will know if your hearing changes over the years and can act quickly to find solutions if needed.

Fill out the form to get in touch with us today!

Hearing Health in Children

Hearing Health in Children

Hearing is not all or none. For many hearing changes are gradual and typical signs are missed. It is not
until hindsight that it becomes obvious that a child may not be hearing well…

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Amsterdam Conference – Discover Hearing Aids

THE BUSINESS SIDE  The trip to Amsterdam was a great business get away. 2 days of conferences with colleagues from all over the world and a few days to explore. Unitron hosted the conference and it was fun to be a part of as Unitron is the only Canadian hearing aid...

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