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Before we dive in, we want to let everyone know that we understand hearing aids are expensive and cost can be a sensitive topic for some. Everyone has different budgets and we will do everything we can to find ways to make your hearing health as good as it can be in your price range. The good news is, there are lots of options out there and below we discuss a few ways to help make hearing aids more affordable.

Third-Party Options

  1. Investigate Third-Party Options. Many government-funded programs offer assistance with hearing aids. In New Brunswick, the Department of Veteran Affairs, NIHB, WorkSafe NB, and Social Development may be able to help you with acquiring hearing aids. We can discuss all these options once we know that you’re in need of hearing aids. 
  2. Payment Plans

  3. Look for Payment Plans. We at Ritcey Hearing offer payment plans on all our hearing aids. If you don’t have the full amount to pay upfront we provide a monthly payment option similar to other expenses you may have like a phone or internet bill.
  4. Technology Levels

  5. Explore different technology levels of hearing aids. There are many different levels that range from basic to premium. The more features you require also increases the price. We offer a trial on most hearing aids which enables you to take them for a test drive to see if a cheaper option will work for you. We highly recommend taking advantage of this and try out the different levels to see what works best for you.
  6. Insurance

  7. Utilize your Private Group Health Insurance. Most Insurance providers do cover some Audiology services and hearing aids. If you have health insurance give them a call or check your coverage pamphlet to see how much you will save.
  8. Health professional

  9. The biggest cost reducer is finding a good Hearing Health Professional. They will provide you with an accurate and comprehensive assessment of your hearing, and help you find the best solution for you. This approach will save you money because there’s many who spend $$$$ and end up not wearing their hearing aids. With the guidance of a professional with ongoing support, you will have your best chance at success and having properly working aids fit to your exact type of hearing loss.
There are a number of over-the-counter or online products marketed for mild to moderate hearing loss, but these devices are not actually hearing aids, and they are not regulated in the same way that hearing aids that Audiology clinics have. While some of these products may help some, you will not get the personalized care and local service that comes with buying actual hearing aids from a certified Audiologist or Hearing Instrument Specialist. 
  We are here to help you communicate better and make your hearing health our top priority. We will also do everything in our power to ensure you’re getting a great price and utilize all the options available to you to help with the cost.

Have you heard of the new Signia AX Charge and Go Hearing Aids? They help separate speech sound from background noise. Fill out the form to learn more!

Hearing Health in Children

Hearing Health in Children

Hearing is not all or none. For many hearing changes are gradual and typical signs are missed. It is not
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Amsterdam Conference – Discover Hearing Aids

Amsterdam Conference – Discover Hearing Aids

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