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When should I have my hearing checked?

When should I have my hearing checked?

Routine Hearing Test We all know that we should get our teeth and eyes checked on a regular basis, but what is the rule of thumb for hearing? Routine check-ups are recommended and the best time to start is now. Have your hearing checked every 2 to 3 years. Your sense...
Intro to hearing loss and hearing health

Intro to hearing loss and hearing health

Hearing loss effects Hearing loss affects people of all ages, and will affect several aspects of people’s lives including learning, academic and job performance, and communication with family and friends. Unfortunately, hearing loss and hearing aids carry a stigma-...
Take Home Trial Program

Take Home Trial Program

try them out Our unique take-home demo program allows you to try hearing aids for 2 or 3 weeks. If you have ever wondered what it would be like to wear hearing aids or just want to see if they make a difference in your world then this program is for you. Step 1:...